by merlelevin | Dec 31, 2009 | Life Lessons
A new type of wealth: Enlightened Wealth From “Cracking the Millionaire Code” by Mark Victor Hansen ( co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul” – largest selling book series in history.) As you know from the previous posts I have written lately, I am interested in the...
by merlelevin | Dec 30, 2009 | Life Lessons
Life lesson for today Many years ago I wrote scriblets. Dashed a few words down and sent them off on this new-fangled email that everyone was getting excited about. I sent these little scriblets off to friends and whoevers and began to receive letters back about...
by merlelevin | Dec 28, 2009 | Life Lessons
I am very interested in the work of Dr. Clotaire Rapaille who has developed clear theories as to what really drives us to do what we do an why, most of the time we do not say what we mean. I find his theory fascinating and will try to write honestly and meaningfully...
by merlelevin | Dec 22, 2009 | Life Lessons
Insight #1: Living on a boat. I do not live on a boat nor have any desire to. I am moving to a small flat from a big house. When I am in need of resourceful thinking, I often turn to my friend Naama. She has a wild creativity, unbridled passion for life and shares...